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Students perspectives on life in Germany

As an international student preparing to study in Germany, here are a few tips to help you prepare mentally for the exciting trip ahead. These tips are extracts from students experience, obtained from a course which required Masters in Eurpean Studies students to write a feedback to the German chancellor about their first impressions in Germany.

As an international student preparing to study in Germany, here are a few tips to help you prepare mentally for the exciting trip ahead. These tips are extracts from students experience, obtained from a course which required Masters in Eurpean Studies students to write a feedback to the German chancellor about their first impressions in Germany.

The statements represent individual opinions from students' unique experiences and will  vary from student to student. They are intented to give a general overview of how some international students perceive Germany.

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Students have also highlighted particularly challenging aspects they face while trying to adapt to life in Germany. Read through their experiences...


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