Program Coordinator Kristina Seifert

Learn more about the Master in Cultural Management

What do an opera singer, a social pedagogue, an event manager, a cultural scientist and a visual artist have in common? They have decided to study next to their profession and to start or continue their professional career in the field of cultural management. For this, they study for two years at the weekends in the extra-occupational study course Cultural Management.

For the winter semester 2015/2016, the Cultural Management degree program will start again. The International Graduate Center of the University of Bremen individually organizes appointments so that those interested can receive detailed advice on the courses offered and the admission criteria.

The work situation of cultural managers is increasingly characterized by trends such as globalization, liberalization and individualization, as well as the dissolution of traditional boundaries between sectors, subjects and social subsystems. These developments form the background for the curriculum of the master's program Cultural Management. In addition to the traditional cultural institutions and their transformation, the new networks in which cultural operators are entrepreneurial, therefore receive great attention. The professional handling of the manager's tools - such as strategy development, project management, financing, public relations and controlling - remains irreplaceable. The topic of "leadership" and the teaching of leadership skills are of particular importance in this degree program.

The master's program Cultural Management at the University of Applied Sciences Bremen teaches its students professional competences in a scientific further education. With their knowledge and skills, their social and personal competences, the graduates contribute to a living culture in which artistic freedom and social responsibility enter into mutually stimulating connections.

For further information please contact the program coordinator of the program Cultural Management Kristina Seifert by phone at 0421 / 5905-4760 or by e-mail.